A collaborated event hosted by MKDF, VCU HEMA, and Athena School of Fencing
Cost: $10, pre-registration required
How do HEMA instructors organize large groups during drills? How can you offer constructive critiques while sparring? And how do you beat the burnout to come back for more? RSVP now to join HEMA instructors Nicholas Allen, Kiana Shurkin, and Julie Olson on May 8th at 6 PM EST for three mini-lectures covering these topics and more! In order to attend you must register for the event beforehand and pay the $10 admission fee.
Event Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/8616192904116/WN_bjEB4gWDRw-jEondxgj8hg?fbclid=IwAR3hjhoBRW-VXMiHC_AcW0eteNbqQUZtk71w7JCZ7-qLNLZ0fV2bstBO4ik
Virginia, United States