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Capital Kunst des Fechtens

Core Engagement in Cutting

Sat, 27 Mar 2021
14:00 - 15:00

Ashanti will run through a set of ideas and concepts that engage the core to power your cuts, participation is encouraged. If you have a weighted trainer, it will be helpful to keep you honest!

We will start from bigger motions, and make them smaller. We will be playing with cutting from high guards mostly and some of the exaggerated guards from Meyer will definitely be included!

Towards the end of class, anyone who has some of their own exercises will be encouraged to share them!

Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/91530056370?pwd=cHFkME0yMkZqQmlkbHlWNG43cWM3UT09

Ticket Type Price
CKDF Plague Lectures $0.00 Sale Ended

Virginia, United States

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