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Capital Kunst des Fechtens

Fundamental Movements of Liechtenauer Longsword

Tue, 26 Jan 2021
19:00 - 20:30


The Liechtenauer longsword glosses present a wide array of techniques, which can be daunting to study, especially for new students. Can we simplify our approach to this art by identifying a smaller number of fundamental movements which are consistent across these techniques? This lecture will take an in-depth look at the descriptions of longsword techniques in the glosses and present a set of fundamental movements that can form the basis for a simplified method of studying these techniques.

Nathan Weston is a Senior Instructor at Athena School of Arms. Nathan studied a variety of martial arts, as well as Olympic sport fencing, before taking up HEMA in 2012. He teaches Longsword, Broadsword, and Italian Rapier. He is also one of the event organizers of Iron Gate Exhibition, the largest HEMA Tournament in the Northeast.

Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/99362559615?pwd=QzZxRGhLaFNSQXROak8vTmVHdHl5UT09

Ticket Type Price
CKDF Plague Lectures $0.00 Sale Ended

Virginia, United States

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