As we approach our new normal and resume select practices, everyone is anxious to brush off the rust and get back into sparring shape. Sure, 120+80 is all well and good, but even that gets boring after the thousandth iteration. To spice things up, CKDF is issuing a challenge to all members: The Meyer Cut Challenge!
Thirty days, thirty cutting patterns, three edges to cut with. Each number represents a FULL Meyer Square of 16 strikes. We encourage you to film and take pictures of yourself participating in this challenge. What a fun way to create a solid montage of how we are practicing! No sword? No problem. Grab a broom handle, rolling pin, paper towel tube, whatever you have handy and get cutting.
Tag us in your cutting reps: #MeyerCutChallenge, @CapitalKDF, Share in our Facebook Meyer Cut Challenge Group, or email us at
Virginia, United States